Thursday, August 25, 2011

Your Lifestyle May Affect Your Ability To Maintain Healthy Cholesterols

      It is not uncommon for people to experience high levels of cholesterol in ones bloodstream. However, you do need to take corrective action.  Cholesterol management can help you to avoid many health problems associated with heart disease. The only problem is that many people  do not understand what steps are necessary in order to help reduce these levels. Not realizing there are alternative approaches to reducing cholesterol many people end up with prescription medication from their doctor.

Most of the doctors prescribe statin drugs to help correct the problem. However, these medications have various side effects like blockage of the production of CoQ10. They also have another major side effect referred to as rhabdomyolysis. This is a condition whereby cells burst releasing their contents into the bloodstream causing pain.  When the cellular debris is released into the bloodstream, it is the duty of the kidneys to clean it up. In extreme conditions where the kidneys are overwhelmed, can lead to kidney failure and even death. To avoid complications, most people try to avoid statin drugs and deal with high cholesterol.

Why are they still being prescribed? First, it is important to note that the drugs do reduce cholesterol levels. This can happen even without doing any exercises or changing ones diet. Also, most doctors are more comfortable prescribing medications and may not be as familiar with natural supplements to lower cholesterol. On the other hand, there are physicians that are able to accomplish the same result using natural remedies.

The other major question many ask is whether there is a better solution. Of course there are many methods to manage your cholesterol levels safely and without much cost. If you are already taking statin drugs, you can ask for alternatives or have your liver function monitored closely.

Aside from this, there are different natural foods and herbs you can take to manage your cholesterol. The first one is alfalfa herb which contains saponins in the seeds. This helps block atherosclerotic plaque formation which happens when there is accumulation of cholesterol. The seeds strike the low-density lipoprotein in the blood replacing it with high-density lipoprotein.

Another helpful produce is garlic. Many people know about its medicinal properties. It has been used in treating many diseases over the centuries. Garlic, just like many other vegetables contains a high concentration of organosulfur. It is actually four times that in most other vegetables. This sulfur is very helpful in cholesterol management because it helps increase HDL levels. It also reduces clotting in blood vessels hence one can enjoy good circulation. As you can see, there a number of ways to naturally reduce your cholesterol.  The important thing is to consult with your physician to determine the most effective course of treatment for you.

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