Wednesday, August 10, 2011

A Healthy Dose of Common Sense To Stay Fit

There are no scarcity of health food hype flooding today's marketplace. The challenge with these so-called fad foods is that they are just that, fads. Basically, there is no scientific records to back-up their statements.

It has always been said that it is most desirable to get your nutrition by having a variety of wholesome and nutrient-rich food items. Raw fruits and veggies are filled with vitamins and minerals. Lean protein contain necessary enzymes and other nutrients. Seafood has a high concentration of omega-3 fatty acids which is very advantageous. Sometimes, because of eating behavior, heart conditions and other ailments it is appropriate for  individuals to take natural supplements to restore nutrients that may be in short supply.

When it comes to losing weight there is no miracle elixir that will swiftly trim your waist line. The tried and true strategy that has worked for decades is still the best way. If you need to gain weight you simply store more calories than you burn. On the other hand, to lose weight you consume less calories and exercise more. To illustrate, if you consume 3,300 calories per day but burn off only 800 calories you are sure to increase weight. The more caloric content you snack, the more caloric content you will be required to exercise to get rid of the excess calories. Ingesting diets rich in complex carbohydrates and saturated fats like fried dishes and pasta slows down your metabolic process which makes it harder to slim down. Meals that are rich in healthy proteins like poultry and certain seafood can rev up your metabolism making it easier for your system to burn calories.

Finally, you need a way to flush the extra fat from your body. There is nothing better than water as it has no calories or any other chemicals that will get in the way. If you drink a lot of sugary beverages, then you are hampering your purpose. All it takes is a healthy dose of common sense and a balance of natural foods with sensible portions to stay fit.

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