Friday, August 5, 2011

Preventing Osteoporosis

Bone strengthening calcium is is the primary mineral that is necessary to build and maintain bone structure.  After all, 99% of calcium is stored in your bones and teeth.  What’s more, we require calcium for a smooth vascular contraction, muscle functionality, nerve signal transmission and other important and vital substantial functions. 

Most men and women get their normal calcium mineral resources from the foods that they eat.  Dairy goods like milk and plain yogurt contain the most calcium.  In fact, an eight ounce serving of plain yogurt actually possesses 40% more calcium than an eight ounce glass of milk. Other good sources of calcium are vegetables, such as Chinese cabbage. The foods fortified with calcium include many fruit juices and cereals. In addition, many antacid medications contain calcium due to its capacity to reduce the effects of stomach acids.

Seeing as our bones change over time, the amount of calcium that is stored also changes. As adults age, additional calcium is needed than in their childhood to give protection to the teeth and bones.  Unfortunately, many adults aren't getting a satisfactory amount of this important nutrient in their diet when their bodies need it most. Therefore, their bones begin to break down and become brittle. For this reason, calcium supplements can be very beneficial to help prevent that from developing.

Calcium supplements are available in two forms which are carbonate and citrate.  Either formulas are well absorbed.  It should be noted that calcium citrate is best taken with food and calcium carbonate can be taken on an empty stomach. The level of calcium that the body can absorb will depend on the total quantity of the supplement that is taken in each dose.  The Institute of Medicine recommends taking less than 500 milligrams per dose for optimum absorption benefits. So if you need to take 1,000 milligrams per day, you would just take two 500 mg doses per day for maximal absorption.

High dosages of calcium can result in health problems.  While taking health supplements it is important to follow the recommended dosing instructions.  Also, before taking supplements it is a good idea to check with your medical practitioner to ensure they will not interact with any medications you may be taking.

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