Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Is It Possible To Slow Down The Aging Process?

      One might say that a revolution of innovation has been made in the recognition of natural anti aging herbal remedies as an accepted solution. As a matter of fact, the American Board of Anti Aging Medicine certifies medical doctors that practice in this emerging specialty. Medical professionals that practice in this specialization are  devoted to working with innovative scientific and medical research to treat, prevent and reverse age-related conditions.

With the aid of certain anti-aging supplements it is possible to slow down the aging process.  As we age, our internal cells break down.  Some natural herbal remedies have been able to stimulate blood circulation and absorb more nutrients in an effort to slow down the loss of these microscopic cells, this results in a slower aging process.

Although there is no fountain of youth, it is possible to feel younger for a longer period of time.  There are a wide variety of herbal remedies to enhance just about every part of one's body.  There are alternative remedies for skin rejuvenation, reducing cholesterol and lowering blood pressure, for example.

Numerous individuals believe that since botanical herbs are natural that they must be harmless.  While most botanical herbs on their own may be considered safe and effective, consuming large amounts of an herb and incorporating it with other ingredients can cause unforeseen health problems if you don't have expertise.  Also, some natural herbs can interact with certain medications.  For this reason, you should always consult a medical professional before consuming herbs and other supplements.

Have you heard of these botanical herbs?
* Rose root - In a double-blind research study using medical doctors, rose root was shown to improve mental performance and reduced fatigue.

* Five Flavor Berry - These berries are considered one of the fifty basic herbs in traditional Chinese medicine where it is customarily used to treat diarrhea.

* Grape seed extract - Made from grape seeds, this natural oil carries a big anti-oxidant punch in its ability to improve heart health by lowering cholesterol and reducing blood pressure.  Plus, it is often thought of as a sunblock enhancer due to its natural ability to protect the skin from the sun.

* Ginseng - This is a popular botanical herb that has found its way into teas.  It has been used in the treatment of type II diabetes for its ability to help maintain insulin levels under control. Surprisingly, it loses much of its power when heated.

This is just the beginning in the inspiring field of marrying natural herbs with modern medicine.  As more scientific research and clinical studies become available using natural herbal supplements as an alternative to prescription medication will become more mainstream.

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