The 2004 documentary film, Super Size Me, followed a healthy young man of normal weight as he lived on nothing but McDonald's for thirty days. In less then two weeks, he gained more than 17 pounds. In other words, he gained nearly a half-pound after eating every meal! This means that if you eat just one fast food meal per week, you are gaining roughly 26 pounds from just one meal. Not withstanding, the impact of having so much saturated fat accumulating in your arteries. Aside from calories, it's the saturated fat that is the real killer. That's because saturated fat is a solid substance that lines the walls of your arteries. Eventually, the accumulation clogs an artery and prevents blood from flowing through it causing a heart attack or stroke, depending where the blockage occurs.
When you add it up, it is no wonder why thirty percent of kids are now overweight. What's more is that children are getting diabetes and having heart problems before they get a chance to become adults. There is nothing wrong with eating at McDonald's or any other fast food place for that matter, once in a while. To be fair, McDonald's has healthier alternatives. For example, they offer a very nice side salad on their dollar menu which is a great alternative to french fries. Kids love their apple dippers which is also much better for them than fries. For breakfast, their oatmeal with fruit and small yogurt parfaits are healthier options.
On the other end of the spectrum, Subway spokesperson Jared Fogle once weighed over 400 pounds. He ate nothing but Subway and achieved dramatic weight loss. As you can see, when you limit the calories and fat you can lose weight and live a healthier life. It all comes down to making healthy choices for you and your family.
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