Monday, October 3, 2011

Is Motivation Preventing Weight Loss?

      Before you can begin to lose weight you need to be realistic and avoid making excuses.  Anyone can come up with a bunch of excuses for why you can't do this or that.  The bottom line is that excuses will only prevent you from losing weight.

The truth is, a real weight loss plan is a commitment.  There are going to be times when you may not feel like working out.  Or, you may rather grab a bag of chips instead of eating an apple.  But, if you stick with a weight loss plan and don't allow excuses to get in the way, you will begin to see the results in the mirror.

Nobody said that making a lifestyle change was going to be easy.  It's so much easier to not do anything and leave everything the same.  Then again, nothing will happen.  You see, there is a choice.  Either way it takes effort.  You can choose to spend your time being overweight or you can use the energy to your advantage and lose weight. 

The first step is to get rid of those unhealthy snacks that will only slow down your metabolism and replace them with deliciously nutritious food items.  Fruits and vegetables provide many needed vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidant properties. All fruits and veggies are good for you, but apples are especially great. They give you an energy boost that can help jump start your metabolism. Berries is another excellent choice.  Also, water is also extremely important to a good diet because it helps to flush out the fat cells. This means that you will need to severely restrict sodas from your diet, including diet colas.  The chemicals in soft drinks will not assist you in losing weight or add any beneficial health advantages.

It is very important that you don't skip meals, especially breakfast. Skipping breakfast actually lowers your metabolism while if you eat breakfast, you burn more calories during the day. Skipping meals might seem like a good idea but eventually hunger will get the better of you and you'll end up eating more than you should and maybe more of the wrong kind of foods. Ideally, you should have smaller, more frequent meals.  You can supplement your meals with a healthy snack, like fruit.

Finally, start adding exercises to your daily routine will help you lose fat.  It can be something as simple as walking several times a week or going out for a bike ride.  It is not so important which exercise you choose, just do something and stick with it.  You will be rewarded with a longer, happier and healthy life. 

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