Saturday, September 24, 2011

September Is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month

Just like adults that are overweight, overweight children are prone to the same health issues.  In fact, health problems that are normally associated with an aging adult are now prevalent in children.  Sadly, many of these children will become afflicted with diabetes and heart diseases that could be prevented.

Also, childhood obesity is a growing problem.  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 17% of the adolescent U.S. population is considered obese. This means that nearly one out of every five children are considered overweight. We have not seen this level of childhood obesity in the United States before.

How do I know if my child is overweight?  This is an important question because many parents may not realize that their child has a weight issue. Obesity is loosely defined as having excess body weight.  However, your pediatrician will be able to determine your child's body mass by calculating their height, weight and other measurements.  That's why it is important for your child to have annual pediatric check-ups.

What are the leading causes of childhood obesity?  Today, many schools have cut down on physical fitness programs which resulted in less physical activity at school.  Also, some schools have reduced or eliminated subsidized school meals for underprivileged children.  Not being able to afford healthy foods is another reason why some kids are more prone to becoming overweight.

How do I get my child to exercise more?  Physical activity is very important. Try to have your child participate either in a school sponsored physical activity or an extracurricular activity after school.  The key is finding something they like and encouraging them to participate.  Not all kids are sports enthusiasts, but a lot of children love bowling.  Joining a bowling league is a great place to start.  Gymnastics and swimming are also great ways to get more exercise.

How do I get my child to eat better?  Well, you have to start shopping better.  Kids will only eat what you have in the house.  If your child wants a chocolate doughnut but can only find yogurt or fruit in the refrigerator, they will eat the healthy food if they are hungry.  That's why it is important to cut out the junk food.  This also means limiting your trips to the fast food places.  Finally, you need to budget time so you can prepare a healthy meal for your family.  That doesn't mean you have  to prepare a meal everyday.  You can make a few meals ahead of time and freeze them.  Then  all you need to do is heat and serve at the appropriate time.  You have to ask yourself, is my child's health important enough for me to find the time to make them a healthy meal? 

Your kids will normally copy what they see their parents and siblings doing.  If they see you exercising and eating better then they will too.  Together, you can come up with a childhood obesity solution that works for your family and accomplish great things while giving your kids a chance to grow into healthy adults.


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